Investors residing outside of Portugal who invest in projects whose promoter is headquartered in Portugal
This income is subject to these tax retention rates. These rates are automatically retained from the earned interest and subsequently declared to the Portuguese Tax Authorities. In this situation, if you're based in a country that is not Portugal, you can request that we activate the Double Taxation Agreement pertaining to your country of residence, which will mean a reduced rate of retention when investing in projects with a promoter based in Portugal. This agreement is valid for 1 year and renewable. Please send this request to
Investors residing outside of Portugal who invest in projects whose promoter is not headquartered in Portugal
Goparity does not retain tax, meaning that investors will receive gross interest. It is the investor's responsibility to check with their country of residence's tax authorities and, the foreign income declaration rules applicable to the promoter's country.
Information for Spanish investors
Starting in May 2024, Spanish fiscal residents who invest in projects with promoters based in Spain will be subject to a withholding tax rate of 19% on the interest generated. This means that when you file your taxes at the end of the year, you won't need to declare anything since the interest has already been subject to withholding taxes.
Differently, for residents of other EU countries investing in projects based in Spain, they will receive the payments at their gross value. They are then required to report the income earned through Goparity in their respective countries of residence.
Non-EU residents investing in projects based in Spain will also be subject to a withholding tax rate of 19% on the interest generated. They may have the option to activate the double taxation agreement. To activate this, please request it via email to
At the beginning of each year you will receive an income declaration pertaining previous year's investments and containing all necessary details. You can also request it by sending an email to