Become a Goparity shareholder by investing in our equity crowdfunding. Learn more here.
Get a clear vision of how a loan works, what the financial terms mean, how much you can earn and when you’ll have your money back.
Nominal interest rate
The nominal interest rate is used to calculate the earnings of each instalment. To know how much you will earn on your next instalment, divide the nominal interest rate by the number of payments that year (12 if the project has a monthly periodicity) and multiply it by the capital outstanding in that month.
The project term corresponds to how long a promoter takes to pay back all the invested capital plus interest.
Number of payments per year. Project promoters can pay on a monthly, quarterly or biannual basis.
Grace period of capital
The time period, in months, during which investors only receive interest on their invested capital. Longer gracer periods lead to higher earned interest.
Risk rating
The risk of a project is shown on a scale from A+ to D, where A+ represents lower risk and D represents a higher risk. The risk of the project is reflected in its interest rate. Additional guarantees, such as the pledge of the equipment, have a positive impact on projects' risk rating score.
Every year, the available money to invest (returned capital and interest earned) will grow. Reinvest it to increase your earnings.
Set a maximum term
Define a maximum length for the invested projects, up to 10 years.
Choose a range for the interest rate
Choose a range for the annual interest rate, from 1% to 10%.
Define a maximum per project
Based on a percentage of your available funds or a maximum amount per project.
For the busiest and the most forgetful, but who are still looking to create a positive impact, auto-investment will invest in newly opened projects, without having to log in.
This will help you build a diverse portfolio without missing out on any investment opportunities while keeping total control.
Set a maximum term
Define a maximum length for the invested projects, up to 10 years.
Choose a range for the interest rate
Choose a range for the annual interest rate, from 1% to 10%.
Define a maximum per project
Based on a percentage of your available funds or a maximum amount per project.
I’m here to you help you understand how investments at Goparity work. Get in touch via email or book a call .
Legal & Compliance Counsel
© 2025 Goparity
GOPARITY ( is a platform of crowdfunding by loans (crowdlending) managed and owned by Power Parity, SA, a public limited company, with number 514373822, and registered office at Travessa de São Pedro, nº 8, 1200 Lisboa (Portugal), licensed by the regulator and supervisor CMVM (Portuguese Securities Market Commission), under Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 (European Crowdfunding Regulation).
The payment services available through the platform are provided by MangoPay SA, a registered electronic money institution based in Luxembourg and supervised by the CSFF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier), registered with Banco Portugal (the Portuguese regulator) under no. 7830.
Investments in crowdlending carry a risk of partial or total loss of the funds invested. The return on your investment depends on the project's success developed through the campaign in which you invest. Your investment is not covered by the deposit guarantee schemes established by Directive 2014/49/EU nor by the investor compensation schemes established by Directive 97/9/EU. Please consider all risks before investing and carefully read the Key Investment Information Sheet (KIIS) provided to you before investing.