If we really want to change the economy and save our planet, we need to think beyond CSR and invest our hearts and money to create real impact.
Impact Gift Cards
Surprise your employees with a sustainable investment gift card that is zero-waste and meaningful, while promoting financial literacy.
CO2 Compensation
Compensate your company’s carbon footprint by investing in clean energy, reforestation and other projects estimated to avoid as many CO2 emissions as those they offset.
Create your portfolio
Invest your company’s profit according to its core values and grow your business while doing good.
The capital invested will be returned with interest, while promoting financial literacy and raising awareness on sustainability topics within your company.
Attract and retain top talent
Increase customers’ retention
Keep shareholders satisfied
Strengthen your brand
Prepare for EU taxonomy regulations
Track your sustainability targets fulfilment. Monitor the CO2 emissions your community helped avoid, the number of people they positively impacted, the hectares of biodiversity they helped protect and the Sustainable Development Goals they contributed to.
30.074 tons
CO2 emissions avoided
Absortion capacity of 1.367.008 trees.
33.589 MWh
Clean energy generated or saved.
Energy consumption of 13.995 families.
1.729 ha
Organic farming, biodiversity protection.
Area of 2.401 footbal fields.
Jobs created
Women in management positions
People positively impacted
Projects funded
Total invested
Annual return
Paid back capital