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20.500 €

100% funded by 271 investors

Social Solar Solcor IV

Location Pin Svg
Abrantes, PT




10 years

yearly interest


risk rating


Autoconsumo Solar para una Asociación de Guardería Infantil


This campaign aims to finance a photovoltaic plant for self-consumption at the baby and child daycare Centro Social de Alferrarede (Social Center).

The installation and operation of the solar panels will be installed and operated by the campaign promotor: Solcor Portugal, a company specializing in the development and operation of solar photovoltaic installations. 

The Alferrarede Social Center is a non-profit organization that dedicates its efforts to social activities for the benefit of children and the elderly. As part of its social commitment, the centre will install a photovoltaic plant for the daycare and preschool. With an output of 16.2 kWp, the installation will generate a 62% reduction in the institution's costs, 53% of which will be due to the self-sufficiency the installation will provide.

The children that benefit from the institution´s services will enjoy clean and sustainable energy, along with other activities designed to promote their growth and development. With a team committed to continuously improving the services offered, the Social Center of Alferrarede reaffirms its social and environmental commitment by adopting sustainable measures to make its services more efficient and accessible to the community.

This campaign offers a longer-than-average loan term for Goparity standards. This means you will receive your capital back and gain interest over a more extended period of time. The rental agreement associated with the self-consumption photovoltaic installation foresees a low monthly payment by the beneficiary, who enjoys savings without initial financial investment to purchase the solar panels. Therefore, since the supply company’s payback period is longer, the payment plan is also extended (8-15 years). In this project, the beneficiary is a social solidarity private institution, and the supplying company is Solcor. Additionally, Solcor ensures the solar plant's operation throughout this period, allowing the social institution to maintain its focus on the community. Payments will be guaranteed in part by Solcor, a financially solid enterprise, and by the beneficiary. The savings generated by the solar plant for the beneficiary can be invested in social impact projects, where they make a difference. A solar panel can be used for about 30 years, making it a safe, profitable investment with relevant environmental impact. Impact investing in this type of project is a commitment to cleaner, safer, decentralized, and democratic energy systems.

The Impact


  • Contributing to the decarbonization of the economy, by avoiding the emission of CO2: with an estimated clean energy production of 25,18 MWh annually, the solar plant will help avoid the emission of 3.37 tonnes of CO2, equivalent to planting 153 trees.

    Cost reduction for the final client: the decentralized energy production through renewable sources, close to the consumption site, helps to avoid distribution costs, making this a more competitive option than reverting to the national grid. Furthermore, the decreased dependency of the company on the national grid, makes it less vulnerable to price fluctuations and fiscal charges.


  • Improvement of the organization's core services: the cost reduction in electricity expenses enables the social center to improve their services for the community.

Impact Indicators

Metrics Svg

3,37 t

CO2 avoided per year

Metrics Svg


MWh clean energy

Sustainable Development Goals

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Financial viability

The project is co-financed by Solcor Portugal, the guarantor of the loan.
The maturity of the loan was calculated to ensure that the monthly installments are paid by the revenue generated through the rental payments for the solar plant.

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Security SVG

Pledge of equipment, pledge of receivables from the final client and pledge of Solcor Portugal.

The Promoter


SOLCORACTION LDA, or Solcor Portugal, is part of Solcor Group, a group with Belgian roots, founded in 2014 and active in Portugal, Chile, and Colombia. The group is committed to developing commercial solar plants and financing these projects. To date, they have over 400 projects concluded.

Solcor often relies on technical advice from the other companies in the group, strongly connected by sharing the same shareholders. Together they are active in basically every aspect of the solar photovoltaic market: 

  • EMAT - a distributor of photovoltaic equipment.
  • Nikola - a residential installer.
  • Delta Activos - a dedicated solar maintenance company.

SOLCORELIOS II, UNIPESSOAL LDA is part of the Solcor Group (a daughter company of Solcor Portugal), created to develop solar projects for associations with community engagement.

Solcor has been active in Portugal since 2019. They have a talented team of 15 people with a track record of over 100 solar projects in Portugal, contributing to the company's experience in developing, operating, and financing solar plants nationwide

Solcor wants to increase energy consciousness and contribute toward decarbonizing our economy by developing sustainable relationships through fruitful, simple, and transparent agreements and collaborations. Based on their performance and financial solidity, the promotor was certified as one of Portugal's top 5% of best SMEs (2022).

Their solar plant in Museu do Caramulo is one of the first collective self-consumption installations in the country.

The team

Steven V Cauwenberge

Executive Director of the group

Founder of Solcor Group, currently working as executive director of Solcor Group. Bsc & Msc in Business Engineering - Finance at KU Leuven, Bsc & Msc in Civil Engineering and Postgrad Investment analysis at London School of Economics.

Vincent Vangeel

Co-founder and CEO

Bsc & Msc in Business Engineering - Supply Chain at KU Leuven, Msc in Renewable Energy Engineering at IST Lisboa, KTH Stockholm.

Tommaso Mura

Co-founder and COO

Bsc in Energy Engineering at Politecnico di Torino, Msc in Renewable Energy Engineering at IST Lisboa, KTH Stockholm.

Business Model

Solcor Group is mainly active in the development and operation of commercial solar installations. The group has developed over 400 solar installations for clients from a wide range of sectors and currently manages over 500 installations.

The group's strong growth came mainly under the impulse of applying the ESCO model, where the client pays for his solar installation with the savings generated by the installation without the need for an initial investment by the client. Solcor, with its partners, currently invested over 25 million euros in projects for its clients.

Active since


Fiscal country


Operating In




Number of Goparity Loans


Women Shareholders




First payment

First instalment was paid to all the investors


Successful installation of the solar panels

The promotor has installed the solar panels at Centro Social de Alferrarede, as you can see in the picture.


100% funded

260 investors successfully raised 20.500€


Open for investment

This campaign will help avoid the emission of 3 tons of CO2 per year

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