social_economy svg
55.000 €

Settled by the promoter

Schools of Heroes

Location Pin Svg
Portugal, Mozambique, PT




2 years

yearly interest


risk rating


Teachers and students become heroes of their own stories.


With the help of the funds raised in December through the GoParity platform, SPOT GAMES had the opportunity to further develop its solutions and therefore create and start to implement a new transformative concept: The Schools of Heroes.

With this new concept, instead of developing games based only on the curriculum of a specific subject, designed to be promoted by only one teacher, SPOT GAMES bet on the creation of games with multidisciplinary curricula, promoted through a back-office shared by the various teachers of each class.

This resulted in an increase in the number of teachers using our tools in each school, with adoption rates above 90% per school; and an increase in the number of games promoted in an academic year in each class from 1 to 3.

To respond to this change, the licensing model changed. Instead of having a model where the buyer pays per individual class, spread over different schools in each territory, we now sell licenses by school (the Schools of Heroes) where the whole school has access to all the gamified curricula of SPOT GAMES.

To strengthen the value proposition for the Schools’ Administrations (which have now become the main decision makers in the purchase of the Schools of Heroes), we developed an integrated solution, which allows them to customize the School of Heroes regarding the curricula used, teachers’ training promoted and impact analysis’ measurement.

New Schools of Heroes have been created all over Portugal financed by their respective municipalities. In the 1st semester of 2021 alone, the number of municipalities using SPOT GAMES increased by over 250%, as a result of the loyalty of old customers and the adhesion of new ones.

With this unexpected growth and contact with these schools and municipalities (given this period of a pandemic), the main need and request that we heard was to have 100% digital solutions available for elementary school students as well.

The company is confident that with the requested investment of 100,000€, it will be able to:

Develop and implement a digital solution for elementary schools;

Impact a universe of over 50,000 new students in Portugal and Mozambique.

The Impact


SPOT GAMES produces digital and multidisciplinary gamified learning tools that allow public schools to introduce innovative pedagogical practices across different subjects, generating impact on different levels

  • Implementation of teaching programs in schools that are innovative, inclusive, participatory, and personalized:Teachers from more than 60 schools have used Spot Games as a way to motivate more than 40,000 students to become the heroes of their own story;In 2021 we expect to be in 100 schools transformed by Gamemaster’ teachers - also known as Schools of Heroes; We also plan to expand our international operation, with the development of SPOT GAMES’ responses to a group of 1,200 young Mozambican girls without access to schools due to Covid-19.
  • Provision of engagement tools for teachers, effective in schools of all backgrounds: With access to the startup's digital tools, teachers are able to use innovative and more inclusive approaches and create new learning experiences in their classrooms: 91% of Gamemaster’ teachers feel that their classes are more fun; 95% say that, with the challenges brought by games, their students are more collaborative. These improvements are felt most dramatically within students who live in social vulnerability, and typically a part of Priority Intervention Educational Territories (TEIP) Schools.
  • Concrete improvements in school performance, even during Covid - 19: Portuguese for elementary school students: 91% of the students who played the Logos game demonstrated improvements in writing. Mathematics for elementary school students: 96.7% of the students who played the SLEP game demonstrated an improvement in the development of numeracy and literacy skills. Portuguese and Mathematics for middle school students: 79% of the students who used the Aniquir game demonstrated significant improvements in the domains evaluated in the 9th grade’s Portuguese and Mathematics national exams.
  • Citizenship and Development: in a Covid-19 pandemic period, 83% of the students who used the SPOT Citizenship game showed improvement in the acquisition of content and 81% of the students who used the O Nosso Chão game demonstrated improvement in civic and community participation.

Impact Indicators

Metrics Svg


people impacted

Sustainable Development Goals

4 image
10 image

Financial viability

This turnover and the raised social investment inflows, together with the stabilization of the costs’ structure observed in the last months, provide great financial strength to the project in the next 2 years of activity, sustaining all of its fixed organizational expenses:


SPOT GAMES will execute 201,240,00€  of “innovation funds” already raised;

The company expects a turnover of 117.773€ regarding license purchases (so far, orders from 8 new municipalities, increases purchase price of the recurrent clients from an average value of € 20,000 to € 30,000 annually, and in addition the implementation in Mozambique).


SPOT GAMES will execute € 102,173.00 of “innovation funds” already raised;

The company expects a turnover of 203.570€ regarding license purchases.

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The Promoter

About Epic Student - Associação

Founded in 2018, SPOT GAMES, promoted by Associação Epic Student, is a start-up focused on providing access to quality education. It is one of the resident organizations at Casa do Impacto, an ecosystem of impactful companies promoted by the Lisbon Holy House of Mercy (Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa). a charitable organization overseen by the Portuguese Government. Spot Games develops gamification solutions for teachers, which support the latter in transforming their schools into Schools of Heroes, and also their classrooms, helping students to find a way to outperform themselves, despite their profile, social background, or academic starting point. With Spot Games, teachers turn into Gamemasters, syllabuses into epic journeys, and students become the heroes of their stories.

The company, SPOT GAMES, was co-founded by Francisco Miranda and Joana Lopes who both have over ten years of experience.

Francisco, graduated in engineering from the Lisbon School of Engineering and Technology and has experience as a strategic analyst in the North American market. Ten years ago, he started a small project in the Bairro Cruz neighborhood in Lisbon, which collaborated with teachers to develop strategies and methodologies to motivate their students on their academic journey. In the context of this project, Francisco has gained a unique in-depth look into the reality of the inclusion problem in Portuguese schools and, as a response, specialized in game and motivation design applied to education.

Joana Lopes graduated in Psychometry Rehabilitation from the Faculty of Human Motricity and Mastered in Social Health Psychology by ISCTE in Lisbon. She has gained experience as a volunteer and association leader in vulnerable contexts, reinforced by her professional experience in social and community intervention projects in schools, shelter homes, educational centers, and the larger community. Through these projects, she has developed skills in the fields of non-formal education, teaching and learning methodologies and promotion of personal and social competencies.

The goal of the project is to bring this transformation to schools across the country – a spot game in each school – seeking to influence not only local governments but also the central government to incorporate this innovation. In addition to this, Spot Games also plans on expanding its international operation, in a first phase expanding to Portuguese-speaking African countries, thus continuing the work it has already started with circa 1.000 young individuals in Mozambique.

Business Model

A SPOT GAMES sells licenses for its games to local authorities and private companies which subsequently make them available to schools, through annual licenses per class cohort. This model has already provided proof of concept and has been able to reach more than 20 municipalities in 3 years, with a customer retention at 100%. The sales, distribution and support processes are completely digital and hence variable costs are now very low.

At the same time, although less representative, Spot Games also provides consulting services in the gamification industry, as was the case in projects developed for the Portuguese Governmental Agency for Administrative Modernisation, the State Secretary for Citizenship and Equality, as Unicef.

Active since


Fiscal country


Operating In




Number of Goparity Loans


Women Shareholders




Project End

This project has successfully reached its payments plan maturity. All investors have received their full capital invested and interest. Nevertheless, its impact will keep growing for many more years!


First payment

First instalment was paid to all the investors


100% funded

541 investors successfully raised 55.000€


New target

The promoter decided to decrease the global investment amount of its campaign from 100.000€ to 55.000€. All the other offer conditions remain the same.


New Nominal Interest Rate (NIR)

On 29/04/2021 the Nominal Interest Rate was increased from 4,3% to 6,0%.


Open for investment

This campaign is open for investment

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