sustainable_energy svg

51.500 €

100% funded by 382 investors

Asbestos-free Solar Nursery

Location Pin Svg
Ferro, Covilhã, PT




7 years

yearly interest


risk rating


Solar for self-consumption and asbestos removal in a daycare.


The purpose of this campaign is to finance two photovoltaic plants for self-consumption and the removal of an asbestos roof (asbestos cement roof) at the Associação Centro Social Sagrado Coração de Maria (ACSSCMF) school in Covilhã.

ACSSCMF  is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity (IPSS) and was founded in 1989, in the village of Ferro, in Covilhã with the aim of supporting the young and elderly population of the parish and the rest of the interior region.

The plants will have a total of 38 kWp of installed power, producing an average of 60.8 MWh of clean energy per year and avoiding the emission of around 30.4 tons of CO2 per year.

The installation, operation, monitoring and preventive maintenance of the solar panels will be in charge of Enforce  SA, a Portuguese company founded in 2001, dedicated to Energy Engineering, and with proven evidence in research and innovation projects. Enforce provides engineering services (specialty projects, energy certification for buildings, energy audits in the industry), energy (photovoltaic plants, self-consumption and autonomous systems) and electric mobility with more than 800 customers in Portugal.

The Impact


  • Reduction of costs by the institution: the decentralized production of electric energy using renewables, close to the place of consumption, allows avoiding distribution costs, making this option more competitive than the energy supplied by the network. In addition, the decrease in the company's dependence on the electricity grid makes it less vulnerable to price fluctuations and tax burdens. Thus, the cost reduction allows the institution to improve its services and facilities, impacting students, the elderly, and employees of the Association.
  • Improving the health and well-being of students, teachers, and staff: the removal of an asbestos roof (asbestos cement cover) at the Association has direct health benefits for all who attend it. The use of asbestos in buildings has been banned in the European Union since 2005 and its presence has been associated with cases of cancer and other lung diseases, due to the inhalation of its fibers. The removal of asbestos in buildings (roofs, fire doors, pipes, and cisterns) must be performed by technicians and specialized companies so that safety is guaranteed.


  • Contribution to the decarbonization of the economy, avoiding CO2 emissions: with an estimated clean energy production of 60.8 MWh per year, the solar plant will avoid the emission of 12.3 tons of CO2 per year, equivalent to the planting of 561 trees.
  • Promotion of education for sustainability: inclusion of sustainability themes in educational plans of the school daycare that could reach 51 students, 5 teachers and 11 employees.

Impact Indicators

Metrics Svg

12,3 t

CO2 avoided per year

Metrics Svg


people impacted

Metrics Svg


MWh clean energy

Sustainable Development Goals

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Financial viability

The project, which includes the removal and replacement of 550 m2 of asbestos coverage, requires a total investment of 51.500€. The institution will achieve a reduction of 709€ in its monthly electricity.

Solar energy for self-consumption is increasingly a profitable and reliable investment anywhere in the world. Given the high percentage of self-consumed energy (about 90%), it is estimated that the economic benefit, obtained by IPSS, allows the return on investment in about 6 years.

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Pledge of the equipment installed.

The Promoter

About Associação Centro Social do Sagrado Coração de Maria do Ferro

Associação Centro Social do Sagrado Coração de Maria do Ferro (ACSSCMF) is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity whose commitment is to promote the quality of life and well-being of the elderly population and children, in the parish of Ferro, the interior of Portugal. The institution offers personalized care services and develops activities in the community aimed at social integration.

Currently, it has about 300 members, 40 employees and provides support to 54 elderly people and 51 children through the following services:

Support for the Elderly

  • Nursing Home: consisting of 14 single, double, and triple rooms, social rooms, nursing offices, physiotherapy, among others, and currently hosting 25 elderly people.
  • Day Center providing care services to people and families who, due to illness, disability, or other impediments, cannot guarantee the satisfaction of their basic needs and/or daily activities, temporarily or permanently, currently supporting 15 people.
  • Home Support services providing home care to people and families when, due to illness, disability, or other impediments, they are unable to ensure the satisfaction of their basic needs and/or daily activities temporarily or permanently, currently supporting 14 people,

Child support

  • Nursery for 27 babies and children up to 3 years old.

  • Pre-school for 24 children from 4 years old, before entering the 1st cycle.

Business Model

The Association has stable accounts (over 100 thousand euros in bank deposits and 574 thousand euros in fixed assets). It has been profitable in recent years. Their income comes mostly from the monthly fees paid for their services, the support they receive from Social Security, and donations made by citizens and companies.

Active since


Fiscal country


Operating In

Covilhã, Portugal


Social Services

Number of Goparity Loans


Women Shareholders




Conclusão da instalação dos painéis solares

O sistema está em funcionamento e o consumo foi reduzido a cerca de 70%!


First payment

First instalment was paid to all the investors


100% funded

363 investors successfully raised 51.500€


Open for investment

This campaign will help avoid the emission of 12 tons of CO2 per year

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