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30.000 €

100% Financiado por 343 inversores

Recap Solar Brazil II

Location Pin Svg
Florianópolis, BR




5 años

al año




Solar energy for self-consumption for 2 businesses in Florianópolis


This is our second campaign for ReCap Solar Brazil. The 30.000€ raised in this campaign will be used to refinance two photovoltaic systems under development which were first financed by Recaps’ own equity.

The first campaign was meant to finance two solar energy projects: one for the first phase of the Multi Shopping facility and one for a football field. Due to a change in the presidency of the football club, the project did not proceed, and the funds were used for phase 2 of the Multi Shopping facility.

This campaign will finance solar energy systems for a movie theater and a restaurant: 




Installed capacity

Yearly generation MWh


Cine Multi



17.8 kWp

19,162 kWh

18 years

Costelaria Rio Tavares


Traditional southern Brazilian restaurant

17.8 kWp

19,162 kWh

18 years

These two projects are located within Multi Open Shopping, in beautiful Florianópolis, a city in the south of Brazil. This commercial complex was inaugurated in 2018 and has over 30 stores and restaurants and 155 office rooms.

Sustainability is one of the founding principles of Multi Open Shopping, visible in projects such as:

  • Own sewage treatment plant
  • Rainwater collecting system for cleaning, irrigation, and toilets.
  • Plastic waste avoidance
  • And the Movement MULTI Mercado Verde, a market that promotes a sustainable economy, responsible consumption, and production patterns.

Multi Open Shopping

El impacto

This campaign will fund the installation of photovoltaic plants in two businesses in the Multi Open Shopping, in Florianópolis, Brazil.

Direct environmental impact:

  • Contribution to the decarbonization in Brazil, avoiding CO2 emission: The whole operation is estimated to produce 38,324 kWh of clean and renewable energy per year, avoiding the emission of 15,32 tons of CO2 annually, the equivalent to planting 696 trees.
  • Cost reduction for the final clients: the decentralised energy production through renewable sources, close to the consumption site, helps to avoid distribution costs, making this a more competitive option than reverting to the national grid. Furthermore, the decreased dependency of the company on the national grid, makes it less vulnerable to price fluctuations and fiscal charges. It is estimated by Recap that the energy costs are reduced by 17% for the clients of these projects.
  • Support reduction of energy consumption: through providing services for improvements in energy efficiency use, Recap allows the companies to operate in a more efficient way. The photovoltaic systems are expected to supply around 80% of the client’s energy needs


Indirect Impact

  • Promotion of solar decentralized energy: with its Solar Funds, Recap enables smaller organizations of many different sectors the possibility to transition to renewable energy sources. Through decentralized photovoltaic systems, the organizations are less dependent on the national grid and improve the country’s clean energy consumption participation.
  • Support local companies: Recap partners with Brazilian installers, providing them a financial option to clients interested in installing the solar plants. They ensure the companies are aligned with Recap’s values and apply screening criteria for the potential clients. After this, Recap makes its own financial and credit analysis.

Impact Indicators

Metrics Svg

15,3 t

evitado anualmente

Metrics Svg


MWh energía limpia

Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

7 image
9 image

Viabilidad Financiera

Long-term PPA (power purchase agreement) contracts will be signed between the promoter (Recap Solar Fund AB III) and the end-clients (Multi Cine and Costelaria). 

The contract offered by Recap Solar Fund III AB will allow the client to save an average of 17% compared to the client’s retail price, for the energy that can be supplied from the solar system, after the installation of the panels. 

After an established period (8 to 18 years), the panels will become the property of the client. In exchange for the benefits provided by the solar PV system, the client pays Recap Solar Fund III AB a monthly fee throughout the contract term. 

The fee is based on the prices charged by the local utility, over which the client is granted a fixed discount. In this sense, the client will always have a benefit from using the energy from the PV system. The energy that cannot be supplied by the PV system is bought from the grid. 

The fees paid by the client allow Recap to pay back its investors and cover the operations required for the development and management of the project.  

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Download Información Financiera para el Inversor de Financiación Colaborativa (IFIFC)

El Promotor

Sobre Recap Solar Fund III AB

ReCap Solar Fund III es una empresa subsidiaria del ReCap Group, que se fundó en 2010 con la misión de salvar las distancias entre el capital institucional y proyectos rentables de energía limpia, contribuyendo a un futuro más sostenible. Desde 2017, ReCap Group se enfoca en proporcionar energía solar como un servicio (EaaS por sus siglas en inglés). La empresa tiene sede en Estocolmo, Suecia, y filiales en España, Colombia y Brasil. La actividad principal de ReCap Group es la estructuración y gestión de fondos para inversiones en instalaciones de energía solar en el techo para clientes industriales y comerciales. Asume el riesgo financiero, técnico y operacional del cliente final, quién se beneficia del ahorro del coste energético utilizando las plantas fotovoltaicas de ReCap.

El equipo

Felipe Borschiver

Country Manager Brazil

Felipe Borschiver is Recap's Country Manager for Brazil, based in Rio de Janeiro, where he manages the development of Recap's national energy portfolio. His experience lies in structured finance, distributed energy, and land-use projects. Before joining Recap, Felipe worked for IP Capital Partners and founded/managed Archipelago Partners, both asset management companies focused on long-term equity investments in Brazil. He has extensive experience in financial analysis and assessment of governance and incentive frameworks and structuring financial products. Felipe holds an Economics degree from the University of Rio de Janeiro and a master in Sustainable Finance from the COPPEAD School of Management (UFRJ).

Marco Berggren

Founder & CEO

More than 17 years of experience implementing and financing clean energy projects globally. Responsible for market strategy execution, partnerships and product development.

Eduardo Rechden


Eduardo holds a Master in Environmental Management and Policy, from Lunds Universitet and a Master in Environmental Management, from Universidad de Sevilla. He is specialized in Solar and renewable energy, CSR and Stakeholder assessments, waste management and urban environmental management.

Modelo de negocio

El modelo empresarial de ReCap se basa en compartir los beneficios de plantas fotovoltaicas con clientes comerciales e industriales. Sin necesidad de cualquier inversión del cliente final, ReCap instala, mantiene y es dueño de las plantas fotovoltaicas, a cambio de una cuota, que siempre será menor que lo que el cliente paga a la compañía local de electricidad. La cuota que paga el cliente cubre las inversiones, costes operacionales y proporciona rendimientos elevados y estables a los inversores. Se implementó el modelo empresarial por primera vez en España, con éxito. Colombia fue el mercado siguiente y poco después se estableció ReCap en Brasil. El ReCap Group se está expandiendo constantemente, y los próximos mercados son Portugal y India.

Activo desde


Pais fiscal


Operando en

Brazil, Colombia, India, Portugal, Spain and Sweden


Energía Renovable

Número de préstamos Goparity


Empresas promotoras con mujeres accionistas




Primer pago

El primer pago se pagó a todos los inversores


100% financiado

328 inversores recaudaron con éxito 30.000€


Abierto a la inversión

Esta campaña ayudará a evitar la emisión de 15 toneladas de CO2 al año

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