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460.000 €

100% Financiado por 2894 inversores

Jord: Green Fuel

Location Pin Svg
San Pedro de Macoris, DO




5 anos

interés anual


rating riesgo


Producing biofuel from grass used to regenerate degraded soils.


Jord wants to revolutionize the fuel industry by producing biofuel from grass used to regenerate marginal and degraded soils. Jord's approach offers an alternative to fossil fuels whilst capturing more carbon than it emits.

This campaign's purpose is to finance the construction of a pressing facility to enable the production of biofuel from C4-grass in the Dominican Republic. 

Jord envisions a sustainable future for the Dominican Republic by producing CO2e-negative biofuel from regeneratively grown C4-grass, that can facilitate a transition towards renewable energy. In a broad sense, the project involves reducing the country's dependence on fossil fuels, preventing deforestation, and actively contributing to the restoration of marginal and degraded land. Jord believes that biofuel will play a pivotal role in steering the country toward a renewable, environmentally conscious, and resilient future.

The establishment of a pressing facility on one of Jord’s land plots will enable the production of biofuel from C4-grass, responding to the demonstrated local demand as signified by secured letters of intent. The next step in the sequence is to connect a pellet production line to increase the value of the biomass. A dedicated warehouse will be constructed to house pressing operations and manage inventory. Additionally, solar panels will be installed, fostering energy self-sufficiency.

The expected success of this initiative will provide a scalable model, for expansion within the Dominican Republic, across the region, and ultimately, on a global scale.

El impacto

Promotion of sustainable fuel alternatives: Jord's operations yield approximately 36,000 tons of sustainable biofuel per 1,000 hectares of land with C4 grass, grown regeneratively. The sustainable biofuel is a renewable alternative to fossil fuels, that can be used in a wide range of industries.

Contribution to carbon removal and mitigation of climate change impacts: through a validated methodology, Jord promotes carbon storage in the soil and in the biomass above the soil. The methodology also avoids further carbon emissions, by enabling burning biofuel instead of fossil fuels. Replacing fossil fuel with biofuel from Jord's first unit can avoid approximately 30,000 tons of CO2 from being emitted to the atmosphere every year.

Restoration of degraded soil’s health and productivity: Within Jord’s business model, the land used for the C4 grass production, processed as biofuel, is marginal and degraded land – which means that those areas that are poor in nutrition and/or are not being used for agriculture are used with a better purpose.

The land is managed with a holistic regenerative agronomic plan in which from 8 to 12 years, the land goes through a regeneration phase, storing CO2 underground and nutrients from the biomass of the C4 grass. After that, comes a phase of around 2 years of food or commercial farming crops.

Sustainable production practices and decoupling growth from environmental degradation: At this stage, Jord's local factory is set to be 100% self-sustainable, utilizing no external grid resources. At the same time, Jord’s activities create jobs and aim for few to no layoffs resulting from the repurposing of coal factories.

Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

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Viabilidad Financiera

With confirmed buyers and letters of intent in hand, Jord is optimistic that this demand will translate into a reliable cash flow, to fulfill the five-year repayment plan.

Jord is strategically planning a share issue in January, aiming for approximately 460k euros. This, coupled with a substantial own capital contribution through leasing agreements, totals a significant financial commitment of EUR 1.8 million underlining the dedication to the project.

The promoter expects positive results from Goparity's loan, translating into increased sales and profits that will not only support its operations but also contribute to the sustainability and growth of the venture.

Download the Financial Statements for the promoter here: FS_JORD.pdf

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Download Información Financiera para el Inversor de Financiación Colaborativa (IFIFC)

El Promotor

Sobre Jord AB

Fundada en 2017, Jord está comprometida con la restauración de la biosfera y la entrega de productos renovables. Con sede en Estocolmo, su equipo directivo incluye al CEO y Presidente Peder Dagsanth, al Director General Charles Hefner en República Dominicana y al Director General Ababacar Diop en Senegal. El equipo global, compuesto por cinco personas en la sede, una fuerza laboral de 14 empleados en julio y 9 en junio en Senegal, de los cuales 4 son gerentes, y 18 empleados a tiempo completo en julio y 16 en junio en la República Dominicana, de los cuales 2 son gerentes, colaboran para alcanzar la visión de la empresa.

La misión de Jord tiene sus raíces en la infancia de Peder en el oeste de Suecia, donde una profunda conexión con la gestión forestal le hizo darse cuenta de que la naturaleza podría ser una fuente crucial para restaurar el ciclo natural del carbono. En 2017, el liderazgo de la compañía, junto con innovadores y expertos de la agroindustria, emprendieron una misión para crear un proceso eficiente que regenerara el suelo, abordara el aumento de los niveles de CO2, redujera la dependencia de los combustibles fósiles y restaurara el ciclo natural del carbono.

El modelo de agroforestería regenerativa de Jord utiliza tierras marginales o degradadas y pastos especializados de tipo C4 para absorber grandes cantidades de CO2, enriqueciendo el suelo y aumentando su fertilidad. La hierba cosechada se transforma en biocombustible sólido y biocarbón, proporcionando una alternativa sostenible a los combustibles fósiles mientras mejora la calidad del suelo.

Hasta donde Jord tiene conocimiento, la empresa es un proveedor único que ofrece una solución integral al problema triple de las tierras marginales y degradadas, la dependencia de los combustibles fósiles y el aumento de los niveles de CO2 en la atmósfera. Reinventando los biocombustibles, Jord está liderando el camino con un enfoque sostenible que prioriza la preservación ambiental. Mirando hacia el futuro, Jord espera expandirse a nivel mundial, con vastas tierras marginales y degradadas que necesitan restauración, junto con una creciente demanda de energía y una población en aumento. Con la visión de un futuro libre de combustibles fósiles, Jord está comprometida a hacer una contribución significativa a este objetivo transformador.

En 2023, Jord alcanzó logros significativos. Asociándose con Phoenix BioPower, la empresa está investigando y desarrollando activamente una plataforma comercial integral para energía renovable y programable, acelerando la transición hacia una generación de energía verde y sostenible.

El equipo

Peder Dagsanth

CEO and Chairman

In his capacity as CEO and Chairman, Peder brings extensive experience in both pellet production and successful leadership of industrial businesses. As the founder of Borga, he has led the company to a notable turnover of SEK 800 million, securing a top-three industry position in Sweden. With over 13 years in pellet production, Peder co-designed a production line focusing on tree pellets from sustainable sources. His diverse expertise enhances his strategic leadership within the organization.

Eva Teekens

Chief Commercial Officer

As Jord's Chief Commercial Officer, Eva plays a critical role in driving revenue generation and market expansion. Her focus extends to ensuring Jord's products reach target markets, generate revenue, and lead fundraising initiatives. With 14+ years dedicated to shaping collaborative partnerships that accelerate sustainable businesses, Eva brings a wealth of experience from roles at Oikocredit International, the Common Fund for Commodities, and the Rabobank Foundation.

Stefan Jönsson

Technical Director

With a professional tenure spanning two decades in engineering and technical development, Stefan serves as the Technical Director at Jord, where he effectively applies his extensive experience. Having previously held managerial roles in production line establishments, Stefan brings a wealth of expertise to his current position. At Jord, Stefan's primary responsibility is the sourcing and assembly of the pellet production line and accompanying production, a task that encompasses the coordination of diverse components, ranging from hardware to software.

Henrik Harryson

Business Development and Growth

Leading Jord’s business processes, Henrik designs and implements Jord's operational model, evaluates and optimizes business processes, researches sales leads, and formulates business strategies. Managing key partnerships, including collaborations with Removement,, and Patch, Henrik brings a wealth of experience from roles such as financial analyst at AiBetic, M&A at Carlsquare, and equity research analyst and wealth management at Erik Penser Bank.

Rocío López

Marketing Coordinator

With over 10 years of experience in branding and marketing, Rocío oversees marketing initiatives at Jord, specializing in brand development, marketing strategy, and content production. Her past roles include serving as an Art Director at Oriflame and working as a marketing and communication designer at the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning in Chile.

Charles Hefner

Managing Director, Dominican Republic

As the Managing Director at Jord in the Dominican Republic, Charles oversees and leads the company's operations in the region. He manages the Dominican Republic unit, handling tasks from establishing nurseries and land preparation to running operations, as well as personnel management and development. Charles' expertise in biomass and bioenergy crops is an asset to Jord's agronomic objectives, contributing to the establishment of a regenerative and well-functioning model.

Modelo de negocio

Jord se dedica a la venta de diferentes tipos de biocombustibles y créditos de carbono, creando una doble fuente de ingresos. Su propuesta de valor se centra en ofrecer a las empresas una alternativa energética sostenible, alineada con sus objetivos ecológicos, sin sacrificar la competitividad en precios y calidad.

Los canales de venta y distribución de los productos del promotor varían: los créditos de carbono están disponibles en plataformas del mercado voluntario de carbono como Removement, mientras que los pellets están diseñados para satisfacer la demanda local y explorar posibles mercados europeos a través de envíos a granel.

Los principales clientes actualmente incluyen empresas locales en la República Dominicana, especialmente en sectores como el lácteo y el cemento, como lo demuestran las cartas de intención firmadas. El desempeño financiero de Jord muestra ingresos registrados de aproximadamente 220.000 euros desde 2020 y se anticipa alcanzar el punto de equilibrio en 2-3 años. Los objetivos se han cumplido, estableciendo una presencia en la República Dominicana y sentando las bases para una operación escalable.

El historial de financiamiento de Jord incluye el apoyo de una red de accionistas. Se espera financiamiento adicional a través del arrendamiento de equipos local y una próxima emisión de acciones a principios del próximo año, reforzando el compromiso de la empresa con el crecimiento sostenible.

Activo desde


Pais fiscal


Operando en



Número de préstamos Goparity


Empresas promotoras con mujeres accionistas




Project implementation – Jord’s progress in the Dominican Republic

In the first six months since the funding of this campaign, Jord’s operations have significantly advanced. Until August 2024, 348 hectares of C4 grass have been successfully planted, the cultivated area growing each week, storing carbon dioxide in the root systems as it grows.

Jord also has expanded its team in the Dominican Republic to 16 full-time employees, and the factory is well under construction. Clearing and 15 km of road improvements have been made and the foundations for the concrete placement have been completed. At the same time, Jord has invested in equipment and technology for agricultural innovation in the region.

To finance the next phase of the project, the ongoing construction of the pressing facility and the installation of solar panels to power the factory, Jord is raising funds in a second campaign - Jord: Green Fuel II.

This is a crucial step toward energy self-sufficiency, enabling Jord to produce biofuel from C4-grass in the Dominican Republic.


Primer pago

El primer pago se pagó a todos los inversores


100% financiado

2862 inversores recaudaron con éxito 460.000€


Campaign extension and increase in interest rate

To stimulate the success of the campaign, the project promoter requested Goparity to change two conditions:

  • Raise the interest rate from 6,1% to 8%. Despite the increase in interest rate, the project maintains the same risk rating (B-).
  • Increase the funding period until February 15, 2024, to further promote the campaign and allow more investors to join.


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