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Earth Rover
250.000 €
Liquidado por el promotor
1 año
interés anual
rating riesgo
Earth Rover robots help vegetable and salad farmers control weeds using targetted concentrated light energy without chemicals or damaging the soil, supporting the trend towards organic no-till farming.
Earth Rover is raising 2 million euros to expand its R&D team and to commercialise its patent-pending LightWeeding robots. This innovative project is supported by ESA - the European Space Agency, as well as UKRI - the UK Research and Innovation organization. Both these institutions have assessed and provided grants for this project in excess of 750,000€. Investors including, the asset manager MERCIA, have invested around 500.000€ in the company.
The funds raised through GoParity will be used for:
The technology seems promising and has attracted the attention of innovation institutions, grant providers, early investors, and of leading organic farmers Pollybell, the first adopters of the technology.
Empleos creados
The loan will be used as an advance of funds to be received by ESA, the European Space Agency, and UKRI Innovate which are to be pledged as a guarantee to this loan. Additional funds are to be raised through equity.
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Earth Rover Limited was founded in 2017 with the objective of developing technology to produce fresh and chemical-free agricultural products and make them available to all farmers.
The company now produces robots that automate scouting, harvesting, and weed-killing processes by using AI and advanced data collection technologies. These features will help decrease reliance on chemicals, improve production efficiency, and reduce waste. Earth Rover was born in the United Kingdom but plans to expand to other parts of Europe in the short term to make this more sustainable production technology “a norm among farmers”.
Meet the team:
James Brown, Co-founder, farmer non-executive Chairman
Luke Robinson, Co-founder, CSO non-executive
David Whitewood, CEO
Ricard Pardell, CTO
James Barlow, CFO
Earth Rover will operate weeding as a service for high-value vegetable and salad crop farmers, charged on a per hectare basis at comparable prices to existing tractor-based weeding, and at a significantly lower cost to manual weeding (where the typical cost is in of about 1000€ per hectare).
Initial target customers are salad and green vegetable crop growers such as lettuce and broccoli in Europe and the UK. Followed by the USA.
Activo desde
Pais fiscal
Operando en
Número de préstamos Goparity
Empresas promotoras con mujeres accionistas
El primer pago se pagó a todos los inversores
Este proyecto ha alcanzado con éxito la madurez de su plan de pagos. Todos los inversores han recibido su capital invertido e intereses completos. Sin embargo, ¡su impacto seguirá creciendo durante muchos años más!
Este préstamo ha sido reestructurado de la siguiente forma: 6 meses de extensión del plazo del proyecto.
El primer pago se pagó a todos los inversores
El promotor del proyecto liquidó el 20% del capital adeudado a los inversores, por un total de 50.000 euros.
1158 inversores recaudaron con éxito 250.000€
Después de recaudar 125.000€ en apenas 3 dias, el promotor decidió aumentar el monto de inversión global de su campaña para 250.000 €. Todas las demás condiciones de la oferta serán las mismas.
Esta campaña está abierta a la inversión