100% Financiado por 326 inversores
7 años
interés anual
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Los fondos recaudados a través de esta campaña se utilizarán para financiar la instalación de una central fotovoltaica integrada en una comunidad de energía renovable (CER), ubicada en Penacova, distrito de Coimbra. La central, con una capacidad instalada de 37,8 kW, producirá aproximadamente 51,75 MWh de energía limpia por año. Estará situada en el edificio de la Santa casa da Misericórdia de Penacova , coordenadas 40.378454228945714, -8.277705327625544. Esta comunidad forma parte del proyecto “100 Aldeias”.
El “100 Aldeias” es un proyecto portugués liderado por Cleanwatts - promotora de esta campaña y empresa pionera en este tipo de proyectos – y por About the Energy, en colaboración con BEWG y Jeune. La misión de este proyecto es promover la producción local de electricidad verde y combatir la pobreza energética mediante la creación de comunidades de energía renovable que produzcan su propia electricidad verde, limpia y descarbonizada, y promover buenas prácticas energéticas en esas mismas comunidades.
Los miembros adherentes comenzarán a comprar la electricidad producida en la central a un precio aproximadamente un 25% más barato que el precio actual de la electricidad de la red. Los participantes no necesitarán cambiar sus contratos con el actual comercializador de energía, simplemente consumirán una parte de la energía de una fuente local, verde y sostenible, acelerando el proceso de descarbonización de estas aldeas. Los miembros adherentes de la comunidad de energía deberán tener instalaciones de uso de electricidad en la aldea, beneficiándose de dicha tarifa reducida durante un período de 20 años, sin necesidad de hacer inversiones, ni asumir costos o responsabilidades por la operación, mantenimiento o instalación. La gestión técnica de operación, mantenimiento e instalación estará a cargo de Cleanwatts.
Impacto directo
Impacto indirecto
evitado anualmente
Personas impactadas
MWh energía limpia
La madurez del préstamo fue calculada de manera que las cuotas sean pagadas con los ingresos obtenidos a través del suministro de energía producida a los miembros de la Comunidad.
Esto generará ahorros en los costos de electricidad para los miembros y unos ingresos anuales superiores a la inversión, lo que garantiza la sostenibilidad del proyecto.
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Empeño del equipo instalado.
Enerbellum is the holding company of the same founders of Cleanwatts - José Basílio Simões, Michael Pinto, Jorge Landeck and Luísa Matos (who are also founders of companies such as ISA - Intelligent Sensing Anywhere and VPS - Virtual Power Solutions) - specialists in the application of information and communication technologies, today commonly referred to as IoT (Internet of Things), in the Energy, Environment and Health and Welfare sectors.
Enerbellum has invested in several impactful projects, using technology to help solve important global problems such as climate change. Enerbellum is also committed to promoting digitalization and the sharing economy, for example, as a means for democratizing access to clean energy, fighting energy poverty, and improving the quality of life.
Cleanwatts, the group's most important subsidiary, is a climate tech company committed to simplifying, amplifying, and accelerating decarbonization and the fight against energy poverty with the participation of companies and communities around the world. It has a holistic view of the challenges and needs of local energy communities and an operating system designed to generate value upstream and downstream of the electric meter by controlling generation, storage, consumption, and energy flexibility.
In addition to supporting existing and emerging Energy Communities, Cleanwatts also creates and installs Energy Communities from local anchor consumers/producers. In these projects, the company combines its digital offering with solutions that do not require investment in resources by the customer, fully assuming the costs of photovoltaic panels, energy storage systems, and other equipment that promote electrification and efficiency of consumption, such as electric vehicle charging and heat pumps. Cleanwatts' mission is to help build a world in which energy is decarbonized, decentralized, digitized, and democratized.
Serial entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience as CEO, Board Member, and Angel Investor. Founder and CEO of ISA (Intelligent Sensing Anywhere), scale up to 150 FTE and IPO in 2012. Foundational investor of Virtual Power Solutions (2014) and Energia Simples (2015). Ph.D. in Technology, Physics, Invited Professor for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Coimbra University. Basílio is also the Co-Founder and President of Cleanwatts in Portugal.
Enerbellum is the holding company that brings together the business holdings of a group of entrepreneurs who, since 1990, have created or invested, directly or indirectly, in more than 30 technology startups, currently with a predominant focus on the energy, environment, and smart cities sectors.
The group's most important subsidiary is Cleanwatts. The projects developed by this company generate energy savings enough to recover the initial investment in short periods of time. This way, customers often do not need to make any investment, with Cleanwatts services being provided under an ESaaS – Energy Savings as a Service regime.
Through its Energy Communities, Cleanwatts is becoming a provider of clean, affordable energy through a network of digitally interconnected renewable energy resources. The concern with the positive impact on society is always present in the company's projects. That is why 2% of the income generated is invested in social initiatives chosen by the respective local communities.
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Número de préstamos Goparity
Empresas promotoras con mujeres accionistas
Website 00:00:00
El primer pago se pagó a todos los inversores
2022-11-02 00:00:00
314 inversores recaudaron con éxito 38.400€
2022-10-28 00:00:00
Esta campaña ayudará a evitar la emisión de 7 toneladas de CO2 al año